SnapEngage Service Status

Marketing & Support Website Service interruption

On May 18, 2014 / In / by Jerome Mouton

Chat functionality was unaffected.All systems are back to normal

This issue is now resolved.

10:28 am Resolved:
All websites are operational.

10:09 pm WP Engine update:
Our 3rd Party Datacenter Provider has made us aware of a network issue that is affecting their connectivity. We are seeing intermittent errors on some sites and slow loading as well. At this time, we know that there is an issue with an upstream provider which is causing latency and packet loss.

9:33 am Mountain time:
The following websites are not responding and redirecting to the SnapEngage signin page instead:

We’ve contacted our hosting provider WP Engine and waiting for them to get back to us with a status update.

Important note: The SnapEngage application is not affected and runs separately from these websites.

Marketing & Support Website Service interruption

On April 13, 2014 / In / by TeamSupport

Chat functionality was unaffected.
This issue is now resolved.

3:00 pm Resolved:
All website are back up and running and operational.
12:30 pm WP Engine update:
“This is a notification to inform you of a potentially continued issue that may currently be affecting one or more of your sites. The source of the problem was identified as being caused by […]

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Small issue report: Idle timeout not functioning properly

On March 31, 2014 / In / by

[03/31/2014 9:32pm] Resolved:
We tracked down and were able to resolve this issue. We’ve added some additional protections to prevent this sort of issue from occurring in the future.
[03/31/2014 10:00am] 
We want to let you know about a small bug which started recently: Chats may not be idling out properly.
Normally, idle chats will automatically close after […]

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Google Talk Communication Issues

On March 17, 2014 / In / by Ryan Graham

[02/22/2014 1:58pm MDT] Resolved:
Google is reporting the Google Talk problems have been resolved.

The problem with Google Talk should be resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and continued support. Please rest assured that system reliability is a top priority at Google, and we are making continuous improvements to make our […]

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Stats and reports

On February 22, 2014 / In / by TeamSupport

Chat functionality was unaffected.
This issue is now resolved.

[02/22/2014 7:00pm MDT] Resolved:
Reports and report data are up to date.
[02/22/2014 11:00am MDT] Update in progress:
The statistics and reporting services are up and running. New data are being automatically loaded and are available for reporting. We are currently in the process of reloading historical data.
[02/22/2014 6:00am MDT] Issue […]

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