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Home > Max chat per agent potentially getting exceeded for some customers


RESOLVED: Max chat per agent issueAll systems are back to normal


2:00 am Mountain Time Our hosting provider, Google Cloud Platform, completed their analysis of the issue causing the max chat per agent problem last night: “The detailed analysis showed that 10% of memcache set calls were failing between 20:00 and 20:15” (time from Google in Pacific Time). We have been monitoring the chat assignment closely for the past few hours, and we haven’t seen the issue recur. The problem therefore isolated to the 9:00pm to 9:15pm Mountain Time period, and impacted chat teams with high traffic, causing a few agents to receive more chats than specified in the team or agent max chat settings. No chat communication was impacted. Please, contact us if you have further questions.

9:50 pm Mountain Time We are seeing that some customers have agents getting more chat assigned to them than the maximum defined in the widget configuration or the agent specific configuration. We traced back the issue to a component of our hosting provider not fully behaving as expected. We have opened a ticket with our hosting provider to get this issue resolved as soon as possible. In the mean time, your agents might get impacted and receive a little bit more chat than the maximum you have defined for them. We will post an update as soon as this issue has been resolved.

Published October 19, 2015