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Home > Integration with HubSpot failing to create timeline events


RESOLVED: Integration with HubSpot failing to create timeline events
All systems are back to normal


July 26 12:14pm MDT The issue came back for some clients in the past couple of hours. HubSpot’s technical team reworked some permissions. They have resolved it again now and are ensuring that the problem does not come back. We have just finished the delivery of the impacted chats and offline messages.

July 26 8:39am MDT All chats and offline messages that were not delivered during the earlier HubSpot outage have been sent and delivered.

July 26 7:28am MDT HubSpot has addressed the issue on their end. The integration is properly sending cases from new chats, and we are in the process of sending a very large batch of unsent chats and offline messages from the past 10 hours. We will post an update here once all chats and offline messages have been sent to HubSpot.

July 26 5:30am MDT HubSpot acknowledged the issue and is working on a resolution. Our team is ready to resubmit all chats and offline messages once HubSpot has resolved the API issue.

July 26 3:30am MDT We have notified HubSpot, but are still awaiting a resolution time frame from their side. Our technical team is evaluating options on our end, possibly reverting our clients from the timeline event mode to the old form submission mode. We are working to ensure that no data is missing when the integration is restored. We will post an update in a couple of hours or as soon as we have more information.

July 26 1:00am MDT A breaking change in the HubSpot API is preventing SnapEngage clients from creating timeline events in their HubSpot account. The issue seems to have started around 5pm yesterday and was first assessed to be a HubSpot transient problem. We are escalating the issue with HubSpot now.

Published July 26, 2016